Additional Information

golden seprator
golden seprator

Lord-Brown & Harty

Funeral Directors

Lord-Brown & Harty Funeral Directors Ltd is owned and operated by Christopher Lord-Brown and Jonathen David Harty who are the majority shareholders. We are a local family  business.

Cremation Fees within a 30 minute drive of our funeral home.


  • Deposits – We do not currently require advanced payments for third party costs.
  • Please let us know if the account will be paid by the Applicant, Solicitor, Bank/Building Society, or Insurance Policies
  • Early Payment Discount – If the account is paid before the funeral takes place we offer a £50 discount. (This does not apply to the unattended direct funerals).
  • Payment types – We are happy to accept payment via bank transfer, cheque, cash, credit or debit cards.
  • Non Payment – Our invoice will be presented one week following the funeral and is due on receipt. If you are having trouble clearing the account please contact us, we are happy to discuss options. If no contact is made after 60 days of the funeral, we may engage a third party company to collect the balance on our behalf. This may be subject to extra fees and interest.


(These are donations made by us and not from collections from funeral services)

  • We do not currently make donations over £250, and have no sponsorship agreements in place.